1987年にオフィシャルVHSでリリースされた『THE MAGIC YEARS』をを、マスター映像よりダイレクトにデジタル変換しDVD化したタイトルがここに。
本タイトルは、結成前からフレディ最後のツアーとなった「MAGIC TOUR 1986」までを、振り返ったアンソロジー作品で、1987年にオフィシャルVHSで『VOL.1』から『VOL.3』の3作に分かれてリリースされたもの。但しそれ以降一切DVD化されることもなく廃盤となっていた中、今回その極上クオリティーのVHSから精緻にデジタル変換しDVD化したもので、トータル3時間にわたり、マスター・クオリティーにて収録。
そしてもちろん内容も濃いもので、名曲の誕生秘話からツアーの乱痴気騒ぎ、メンバー同士の一触即発な喧嘩寸前シーンなども織り交ぜており、まず『VOL.1』は結成の経緯から「A NIGHT AT THE OPERA」でのブレイクまでと、「One Vision」の制作風景を収録。
そして最後の『VOL.3』は、奇跡の復活となった“LIVE AID”に始まり、フレディ最後の“MAGIC TOUR 1986”までを描いたロード・ムービーとなっており、これらすべて、今となってはフレディ追悼の意も込めた貴重な映像アイテムゆえ、ファンは必見の、トータル175分。
Disc 1: (Introduction) 1. Introduction – excerpt of ‘One Vision’ 2. Interview with Bob Geldof 3. ‘We Will Rock You’ with audio and video footage 4. Short excerpt of ‘We Will Rock You’ from 1979 5. Backstage footage of ‘The Magic Tour’ (The Band) 6. Interview with Jackie Stewart 7. Interview with Gary Langham 8. Interview with Elton John 9. Interview with Billy Squier 10. Interview with one of Roger’s schoolfriends (Early Days) 11. Clip of ‘Keep Yourself Alive’ 12. Interview with John Taylor 13. Early interview with Roger 14. Interviews with Freddie and Roger 15. My Fairy King, interviews with Brian 16. Interviews with Roger and Brian 17. Interview with John, Freddie and Paul McCartney, etc 18. Interview with Freddie 19. Interview with John and Michael Appleton 20. Interview with Brian 21. Interview with Barbara Bake 22. Interview with Jim Beach and Norman Sheffield (Bohemian Rhapsody) 23. Interviews with Samantha Fox, Dave Stewart & Roy Thomas Baker 24. Interview with John Deacon, Roy Thomas Baker and John Reid 25. 1977 BPI award for best British single (Making Videos) 26. Selection of clips and interview with Michael Appleton 27. Interview with Brian, and ‘Spread Your Wings’ and ‘We Will Rock You’ 28. Footage of ‘Bicycle Race’, and interview with Roy Thomas Baker 29. Interview with Freddie and ‘Crazy Little Thing Called Love’ 30. Interview with Brian and ‘making of’ footage of ‘Save Me’ 31. Interview with Roger, ‘Flash’, and interview with Brian 32. Interview with John and footage of ‘I Was Born To Love You’ 33. Interview with Freddie and interview with Mel Smith 34. ‘It’s A Hard Life’, and interviews with Roger and Diana Moseley 35. Interview with Russel Mulcahy, Roger and Christopher Lambert 36. Clip of ‘One Vision’ (In The Studio) 37. Brian’s ‘Piano Solo’ and interviews with Roger and Brian 38. Interview with John, Freddie, and Brian improvising ‘One Vision’ 39. Roy Thomas Baker, Mack, David Richards, Roger, Freddie, Brian and John 40. Further improvised footage and ‘One Vision’ ‘Just For Fun’ version 41. Interview with Freddie (End Credits) 42. Excerpt of ‘One Vision’
[Magic Years Volume One ‘The Foundations’]
Disc 2 : (Japanese Tour, 1975) 1. Interview with Ringo Starr and Barbara Bach 2. Interview with John and footage of Queen in Japan 3. Interview with John and more footage of around Japan 4. Live Footage and interview with John and Roger (Hyde Park & Earl’s Court Concerts) 5. ‘Keep Yourself Alive’ (Hyde Park 1976) and interview 6. Freddie’s ‘Vocal Impro and ‘Flick Of The Wrist’ 7. OGWT interview with Brian and footage of ’39’ 8. Interview with John Harris and ‘Killer Queen’ 9. Live Footage(Earl’s Court) and interview with Gary Numan 10. Interview with Brian and ‘You Take My Breath Away’ ‘Rock And Roll Medley’ (American Tour, 1977) 11. Backstage footage from Houston 1977 12. ‘We Will Rock You’ (Houston 1977) with interviews 13. ‘We Are The Champions’ and interviews (After Show Parties & Queen Fans) 14. Excerpt of ‘Body Language’ and mud-wrestling footage etc 15. ‘Let Me Entertain You’ ‘Sheer Heart Attack’ (Paris 1979) 16. Convention auction, and interview with Jacky Gunn (The Group, The Red Special & Saturday Night Live) 17. Interview with Freddie 18. Now I’m Here (Concert for Kampuchea 1979), and interviews 19. ‘Las Palabras De Amor’ (Top Of The Pops 1982), and interviews 20. ‘Now I’m Here’ (Concert for Kampuchea, 1979), and interviews 21. Interview with Brian and his father Harold about making his guitar 22. ‘Crazy Little Thing Called Love’ (South America, 1981) 23. Drum Solo and footage of Queen on Brazilian TV, March 1981 24. Somebody To Love’ (Sao Paulo) and interview with Jim Beach 25. ‘Another One Bites The Dust’ (Buenos Aires 1981) and interviews 26. ‘Love Of My Life’ (Buenos Aires 1981) and interview with Freddie (Under Pressure and Milton Keynes 1982) 27. Montreux and interviews with David Bowie and Freddie 28. ‘Under Pressure’ (Milton Keynes 1982) and interviews 29. ‘Play The Game’ ‘Staying Power'(Milton Keynes 1982), interview (Queen On TV) 30. Interview with Japan Promoter and ‘Teo Torriatte’ 31. Brian, Roger and John on Japanese TV 32. Freddie on Kenny Everett’s TV show and Roger on ‘Pop Quiz’ 33. Roger and John on Korean TV 34. ‘Radio Ga Ga’ (Sydney 1985) with Phil Collins interview (Rock In Rio) 35. ‘Radio Ga Ga’ and Mike Smith news report 36. ‘Keep Passing The Open Windows’, and Freddie TV interview 37. ‘I Want To Break Free’ and interviews with John and Freddie (End Credits) 38. Footage of Rio audience and audience noise
[Magic Years Volume Two ‘Live Killers In The Making’]
Disc 3 : (Live Aid) 1. ‘Is This The World We Created?’ interviews and ‘Radio Ga Ga’ 2. Interview with Freddie, Freddie Singalong (Live Aid), and interview with Brian 3. ‘Hammer To Fall’ (Live Aid), interview and ‘We Are The Champions’ (Live At Wembley) 4. Interview with Brian 5. Setting up for a concert and interviews 6. Interview with tour promoter Harvey Goldsmith 7. Interview with John 8. Interview with a Queen fan and Jim Callaghan (Queen security) 9. Interview with Freddie, Brian, Paul McCartney, Roger 10. Interview with Freddie and Brian 11. Backstage, ‘One Vision’ , interviews ‘A Kind Of Magic’ 12. Interview with Freddie and Elton John 13. Interviews with Samantha Fox and Freddie Mercury 14. ‘My Melancholy Blues’ and Freddie travelling and interview 15. ‘Dancer’ with after-show party and interviews with Roger and Brian (Live In Budapest) 16. ‘Procession’ and ‘Lazing On A Sunday Afternoon’ 17. Freddie practising his ‘Singalong’ 18. Brian and Freddie rehearsing ‘Tavaszi Szel Vizet Araszt’ 19. Backstage and ‘Tavaszi Szel Vizet Araszt’ from the concert 20. Interviews, ‘Love Of My Life’ 21. ‘Hammer To Fall’ and ‘Tutti Frutti’ and interview with Freddie (Live At Knebworth) 22. ‘Who Wants To Live Forever’ and interviews 23. Backstage and interviews 24. ‘Radio Ga Ga'(Knebworth) and interviews 25. ‘We Are The Champions’ 26. Interview with Freddie, ‘God Save The Queen’ and backstage (End Credits) 27. ‘Is This The World We Created?’ and short comment from Freddie
[Magic Years Volume Three ‘Crowned In Glory’]